Series: Stand Alone
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Release Date: May 6, 2014
Summary: The Pre-Sloane Emily didn't go to parties, she barely talked to guys, she didn't do anything crazy. Enter Sloane, social tornado and the best kind of best friend—the one who yanks you out of your shell. But right before what should have been an epic summer, Sloane just… disappears. No note. No calls. No texts. No Sloane. There’s just a random to-do list. On it, thirteen Sloane-selected-definitely-bizarre-tasks that Emily would never try… unless they could lead back to her best friend. Apple Picking at Night? Okay, easy enough. Dance until Dawn? Sure. Why not? Kiss a Stranger? Wait… what? Getting through Sloane’s list would mean a lot of firsts. But Emily has this whole unexpected summer ahead of her, and the help of Frank Porter (totally unexpected) to check things off. Who knows what she’ll find? Go Skinny Dipping? Um…
Review: First, let me start of by saying that ever since reading Amy and Roger's Epic Detour I have been completely in love with Matson's writing style. With that said, let's start this review. Have you ever had that best friend who is super outgoing and totally unafraid to try new things and you envy them just a little, but you're so grateful and happy that they chose you to be their friend. That is exactly how Sloane is for Emily. SYBG starts with Sloane having just disappeared and a much disheveled Emily trying to figure out what happened to her. Emily's parents are play-writes and have just thought of their next big hit and are therefore not really aware of what Emily is going through with Sloane being missing. This book caught my attention from the very first page (which does not happen very often!). Throughout the book Emily has flashbacks about things her and Sloane had done and you are able to get a grasp on just who Sloane is and why Emily feels she needs to find her so much. Most of said flashbacks correspond with one of the 13 tasks that Emily is currently working on. Enter Frank Porter, class president and boy who "seemed to actively be trying to make the world - or at least our school - a better place..." As soon as Frank learns about Emily's to-do list he is there to help, along with his best friend, Collins, and Emily's new friend, Dawn. Together the 4 of them set out to help Emily concur the list...and her fear of horses (#6 - Ride a dern horse, ya cowpoke). This book was full of lots of laughs and was very relate-able. Matson did a great job of developing Emily's character from a girl who was previously known as 'Sloane's shadow' to becoming her own, unique, person. Adding a touch of romance to this crazy awesome adventure of a book was just the cherry on top! A great read for a lazy summer day. This is one book that I will be reading over and over!
Review: First, let me start of by saying that ever since reading Amy and Roger's Epic Detour I have been completely in love with Matson's writing style. With that said, let's start this review. Have you ever had that best friend who is super outgoing and totally unafraid to try new things and you envy them just a little, but you're so grateful and happy that they chose you to be their friend. That is exactly how Sloane is for Emily. SYBG starts with Sloane having just disappeared and a much disheveled Emily trying to figure out what happened to her. Emily's parents are play-writes and have just thought of their next big hit and are therefore not really aware of what Emily is going through with Sloane being missing. This book caught my attention from the very first page (which does not happen very often!). Throughout the book Emily has flashbacks about things her and Sloane had done and you are able to get a grasp on just who Sloane is and why Emily feels she needs to find her so much. Most of said flashbacks correspond with one of the 13 tasks that Emily is currently working on. Enter Frank Porter, class president and boy who "seemed to actively be trying to make the world - or at least our school - a better place..." As soon as Frank learns about Emily's to-do list he is there to help, along with his best friend, Collins, and Emily's new friend, Dawn. Together the 4 of them set out to help Emily concur the list...and her fear of horses (#6 - Ride a dern horse, ya cowpoke). This book was full of lots of laughs and was very relate-able. Matson did a great job of developing Emily's character from a girl who was previously known as 'Sloane's shadow' to becoming her own, unique, person. Adding a touch of romance to this crazy awesome adventure of a book was just the cherry on top! A great read for a lazy summer day. This is one book that I will be reading over and over!
**Just a little make things even better about this book, I had the chance to meet Morgan Matson, get my copy of SYBG signed and I even won me a pair of heart sunglasses so we could be twinners! Sorry to brag...I just can't help myself. It was a dream come true!! *Photographic proof I ain't lyin'*
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